Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wow! Tomato!

Just when I thought it wasn't going to happen, it did. I've managed a bumper crop of 10 cherry tomatoes this year. High fives all around!

Turns out the tomatoes I've been tracking, were never going to turn red. Duh! They were the Wow! (yes, that's how the cultivar is written, complete with exclamation point!) cherry tomatoes, a Sungold rival according to Fedco Seeds. I'll have to say I agree. There is a certain sweetness of the Wow! that is like candy compared to the Sungolds I've had at the farmers' market.

The ones I tasted early on were a bit thick skinned for my liking. But, as the later fruits have been able to hang out on the vine awhlie, the skins seem thinner.

Their sweetness mixed with the tangy saltiness of the tuna made for a blissful lunch today as summer winds down.

I was surprised to find more later this evening that were ripe enough for snacking straight from the vine. I'll save a few for tomorrow's lunch.

Summer...better late than never around here!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Parsnip Forest!

The parsnips have taken over the small patch I sowed. Supposedly, carrots are good companion plants and sowed a couple of rows of them as well. You can't even see the carrots through all the parsnips.

The leeks are trying to get a word in edge-wise as well...

Looks like I have a major thinning project in store!