Once the White House announced all tours were cancelled effective March 9, 2013 due to the sequester, I knew my chances of seeing the kitchen garden were slim to none. We were going to DC for my son's spring break and birthday celebration. Michelle Obama's kitchen garden was the top destination request of our visit.
My husband, who wakes up early for no one, was cooking eggs while announcing we had to leave in 20 minutes to make sure we had tickets for the White House Garden Tour. He and his sister are night owls and discovered a last-minute press release about the garden being opened for tours this weekend. Despite my sleepy, jet-lagged state, I quickly got ready.
It was a gorgeous day with temperatures in the 70's, blue sky, and blooming cherry and crab apple trees. It brought out a crowd of people ranging all ages. I was surprised to see even college-age students enthusiastic about catching a glimpse of the kitchen garden.
First things first: the White House Bee Hive. It's in the middle of the picture behind the stair-shaped branch. I acutally heard several people say the tree needed to be trimmed so we could get a better look. This hive produces 200 pounds of honey a year which is used by the White House Pastry Chef. Personally, I think they should sell it. I would totally buy a jar!
It was hard to get a photo of this section without the silly green sign in view. Still great to see so many lettuces, greens, and alliums growing.
The middle section of the garden. More edible greens!
On the left, behind the path is an herb garden with lavender, rosemary, thyme and oregano. Beyond the picnic bench to the left are blueberry bushes.
I know it's just a glimpse, but what a treat to see it in person and share with you all here. American Grown is an amazing book that gives the reader a closer look into the garden and what it does connecting community through home-grown food. The book also features kitchen gardens nationwide. Truly inspiring!