Saturday, May 7, 2011

Planter Boxes

At this year's Northwest Flower and Garden Show, I bought three Shuksan strawberry plants. I planted them in my one of my boxes on the fence. This is a new experiment. I'm hoping that they will enjoy the heat up there. I was planning on purchasing an actual strawberry pot for them, but decided to work with what I've got instead. We'll see how they do. So far, they seem to be thriving even with the cold we've had since I planted them in February.

In the other box, I sowed Canary Creeper nasturtium. Nasturtiums are my favorite around the edge of a planter box. In the middle, I sowed broccoli raab. The broccoli won't get very big since I'll harvest it fairly soon after it becomes mature. I waited too long last year to use it and the stems were too woody and were not very tasty. By planting them in the box, I'm hoping it will force me to pay closer attention to them.

Nothing yet except for an empty seed packet! Stay tuned...

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